The Days Are Long

The Days Are Long

Recently I had a dream about two teenager boys at the beach (stay with me, I know that was a weird intro). We were at the Outer Banks where my family goes each year watching these two boys flirting with a group of girls walking by. I was laughing and pointed them out...

For our good and our growth

My son hates tummy time. And even though we only make him do it for ten minutes a day, he pretty much screams the whole time. While it kills me to hear him cry, I know how critical tummy time is for his development and for strengthening his little muscles. I know it...

Power. Love. A sound mind.

Yesterday morning, I sat in the rocking chair in my six-week-old Jessen’s room and watched him sleep. School shootings have always wrecked me. But now they do on a different level. I found myself thinking about his first day of kindergarten. How it’s supposed to be...