Hey there! I’m Hannah.
And, I’m obsessed with words – reading them, writing them, and, most recently, learning to sign them.
Growing up, I was the kid who told stories to my stuffed animals, volunteered at the library every summer, and always carried a book around *just in case* I had a few minutes to spare.
I’m happy to say that not much has changed — except now instead of stuffed animals, I get to share my words with all of you. My hope, more than anything, is that my writing would point others back to the perfect Author, who I believe is writing beautiful stories for each of us, too.
My first book!
Love Sounds Like is here.
Celebrate the many ways we experience love in Love Sounds Like, a rhyming children’s bedtime tale featuring a heartfelt conversation between a hearing mother and her deaf son. Inspired by the birth of my son Shepherd and my love for both of my boys, this story is an encouraging reminder to all families that we don’t have to experience the world in the same way to experience love.
Available as a hardback, paperback, and eBook on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other major retailers. Reach out to request signed copies, to schedule author visits/book signings, or for other questions.
Recent guest publications.
I love contributing my writing to publications and organizations that are changing the narrative of faith and culture.
My blog.
A New Thing
This past January, I sent out a New Year's card because a Christmas card just didn't come together in time. My sister got married in early December, and then our second son Shepherd was born on December 17––so we had just a few things on our plate. After Shepherd was...
The Days Are Long
Recently I had a dream about two teenager boys at the beach (stay with me, I know that was a weird intro). We were at the Outer Banks where my family goes each year watching these two boys flirting with a group of girls walking by. I was laughing and pointed them out...
Shepherd’s story
This Mother’s Day feels different because I am not the same mom I was last year. On December 17, our second son Shepherd was born. We named him Shepherd because we loved the shepherds' story in the Bible and how they were the first to hear of Jesus’s birth. On January...