My son hates tummy time. And even though we only make him do it for ten minutes a day, he pretty much screams the whole time. While it kills me to hear him cry, I know how critical tummy time is for his development and for strengthening his little muscles. I know it will serve him in the long run… so day after day, I make him do it, even though he hates it.

During yesterday’s tummy time, as I watched the seconds slowly tick away on my phone timer, I felt like God was reminding me that sometimes we too go through painful, not fun, hard things in the short term that ultimately end up working out for our benefit in the long run.

Even just since Jessen was born, I’ve felt God prying open my hands and forcing me to let go of control, of worry, of perfection. And while surrendering those things makes me feel like I’m lying flat on my face, helpless and frustrated, I can trust that it is necessary. Just like Jessen’s tummy time, our moments of frustration and weakness are not only working towards our good – they are lending themselves to our growth as well.

The other thing with tummy time is that it doesn’t last forever. So, in moments where you feel helpless, on the days that seem long and the nights that seem dark, may we remember that it will pass. That we will get stronger. That we will grow because of it. And that when we feel like we’re alone and struggling, God is close by, watching us like the good Father he is, cheering us on and counting down the seconds until we realize that the hard was for our good and our growth all along.

“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.”
– 2 Corinthians 4:17