Power. Love. A sound mind.

Yesterday morning, I sat in the rocking chair in my six-week-old Jessen’s room and watched him sleep. School shootings have always wrecked me. But now they do on a different level. I found myself thinking about his first day of kindergarten. How it’s supposed to be...
But If Not – MLK Day reflections

But If Not – MLK Day reflections

“The ultimate test of one’s faith is his ability to say ‘But if not.’” – Martin Luther King Jr. On Sunday, our pastor challenged us to listen to one of Martin Luther King Jr.’s sermons. So, I listened to and read through the transcript of his sermon...
A step, not an arrival.

A step, not an arrival.

“Then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping…” – Matthew 26:40  I’ve heard a lot of people use the phrase “every step an arrival.” As I watched the Derek Chauvin trial yesterday, and ultimately saw the verdict rendered, this phrase...
Jesus wept.

Jesus wept.

A brief response to the Atlanta shootings.  The night of the Atlanta shootings, I had a nightmare I was involved in a mass shooting. I was huddled under a chair, hearing shots ring out around me, when I woke up in a panicky but grateful sweat. It took a long time...